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The Jury Trial

scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 9:00a.m. in department 1 has been canceled no appearance is necessary. Thank you.

Calendar Portal Notice:

Colusa Superior Court’s Online Calendar Portal is temporarily unavailable until further notice.


The Civil Division assists parties with cases involving: recovery of money or property in non-contract civil disputes or contract enforcement; civil rights, and, landlord tenant actions. Petitions to Change Name and various writs are also handled by the Civil Division.

Overview of Civil Case Types

Limited Civil

A general civil case that involves money that amounts to $25,000 or less. For further information visit the California Courts Self Help website.

Unlimited (General) Civil

A general civil case that involves amounts over $25,000. For further information visit the California Courts Self Help website.

Landlord/Tenant Evictions (Unlawful Detainer)

An Unlawful Detainer/Eviction is a civil proceeding brought by the owner of the property to obtain possession from the occupants. For further information visit the California Courts Self Help website or contact our Self-Help center at (530)458-0598 (tenant only).

Frequently Asked Questions: Civil

Colusa County Superior Court does not have a direct line for accepting fax filings. Please refer to California Rule of Court 2.303 (rev. 7/1/10) for using the services of a fax filing agency to submit documents. The court will accept a fax filing from an agency when in compliance with rules of court and if appropriate fees are submitted. Each document filed by a fax filing agency shall contain the phrase "BY FAX" immediately below the title of the document and must be physically transported to the Court.

Download a printable civil filing and appearance fees list
Fee Waiver: Litigants meeting statutory income limitations may be eligible for a waiver of court fees and costs. A Request to Waive Court Fees must be filed with the first documents the litigant presents for filing in a case. The Request is reviewed by a judge and a determination made as to whether the litigant is eligible for the waiver. A clerk may also grant a fee waiver based on certain information.

Requests for continuances of law and motion matters shall be made by written stipulation of the parties or counsel along with the applicable filing fee. The stipulation, order and continuance fee must be received and signed by the court prior to the date and time for the hearing. Upon review by the Court, the matter may be ordered dropped from calendar.

If the matter has settled, parties should contact the court to advise the case has settled and then follow up with the mandatory judicial council form Notice of Settlement of Entire Case. Upon review by the Court, the matter may be ordered dropped from calendar.

Pursuant to California Rules of Court 3.1308, Colusa County does not offer tentative rulings, and appearances are necessary for law and motion hearings.

Calendars for non-confidential matters are available on this website by department. Please visit the Court Calendar page or you may use the Online Case Index to search for your case by party name or case number.

You may ask for copies in person or submit a request by mail. Copies are $.50 per page, with an additional certification fee of $40.00, if necessary. When requesting copies by mail, please specify the document(s) you are requesting, and include the case number and the party names and approximate dates of the document(s).

If the case number is unknown, there is an additional $15.00 search fee per name required. We will need the full name of the party along with the approximate date of the case and any other information that may assist in locating the file for you.

For both, include a self-addressed stamped envelope along with a check or money order, payable to Colusa Superior Court. You may note your check “not to exceed $XX.00” and we will determine the actual cost based on your request and send a receipt back with your copies.

You may submit handwritten forms as long as they are printed clearly and legibly in blue or black ink.

Please refer to Local Rules Rule 3.10 Hearings and Continuances of Hearings on Motions and Other Applications for Orders (See Local Rules)

No. If you would like an endorsed copy, you must submit a copy of the entire document being filed.

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